BODYTEC – POWER YOUR BODY WITH EMS 17 August 2013 in Events, Fitness

I am a bit of a lazy ass. By “a bit”, I of course mean “of epic proportions”. Considering my Dad is a health nut and one of the fittest mid-60 year olds I know, it’s kind of a wonder that I’m his daughter…...

MY REAL BODY AGE 14 September 2011 in Fitness

Part of my package at Selective Fitness provides a Body Age test. It’s a fun but startling way of figuring out your body’s true age and health. What it entails is a consultation and then you step on the machine that reads the body fat,...


I’m glad I go to a child-friendly gym at Selective Fitness,  because I can get whipped into shape on their fab Powerplate machines, AND have Hunter kept amused – he finds the upbeat music and all of us jumping around terribly amusing 😉 Plus, afterwards, I...

A WORKOUT AT SELECTIVE FITNESS 19 August 2011 in Fitness

I’m not the fittest of people out there. OK, ha ha. I know I am not even close to being fit/healthy due to our sedentary lifestyle. I don’t get much time to myself, let alone think about exercise. And let’s face it, it’s not...

WHOOPSY DAISY! 28 November 2010 in Fitness, Pregnancy, Uncategorized

I took a tumble today 🙁 It was when we were out shopping after lunch (OK fine, I didn’t look nearly as glamorous as the cartoon above, but oh well!). The Tods boutique in Plaza66 is a bit of a death trap. OK, not...