PREGNANCY & EXERCISE 27 October 2010 in Fitness, Pregnancy, Uncategorized

28 weeks today! Having a very nice 3rd Trimester so far.. We’re on the final leg, guys 😀 Sadly though, as you can see in the chart above, I am on the high end of weight-gain.. no other nice way to put it 🙁...

FITNESS CHALLENGE 5 June 2010 in Fitness, Friends, Uncategorized

Most of my female friends are really super into exercise. Quite funny, since I’ve never been friends with any healthy-living girls before; from previous experience we simply haven’t managed to get along ‘cos we can’t go out together to eat 😛 But yep, most...

POLE DANCING CLASS PHOTOS 23 April 2010 in Fitness, Friends, Uncategorized

So I made a post about our pole dancing classes but that had crappy photos of us. Last week, we had Urbanatomy come to our class since they were going to do their write up on it, and we also had the amazing Elena...

BOXING CHICKS 20 April 2010 in Fitness, Friends, Uncategorized

I wasn’t born to exercise. That’s just the straight-up truth. The whole concept of fitness just doesn’t quite appeal to me.. partly because I’m lazy (oops!), and partly because I feel it’s all so useless. You feel like a hamster on a wheel and...

POLE DANCING! 30 March 2010 in Fitness, Friends, Uncategorized

A group of friends and I signed up for pole dancing classes! In particular, I wanted to do it because it means I’d be ‘forced’ to exercise. My fitness levels are…. nonexistent. I’m generally just too lazy and love to eat, so exercise somewhat...