Because Hunter’s 8th birthday was also about working with Gift-It-Forward and donating to charity.. we thought it’d be really meaningful for Hunter to visit the SPCA and see his how every little bit of donation will help.
We got a chance to invite 2 friends (as I could only fit 4 in my car – max!).. and I picked them up from school, and off we went!
The kids were SO excited about being able to see the animals that it was utter chaos in the car.. and as evidenced by the photo above 😉
I was pretty amazed that the SPCA was… super nice! It was in tip-top condition, incredibly clean with zero smells, and everything was tidy and the animals were so well looked after. It can’t be easy, with so many animals on the premises.. so it’s hats off to these guys for running the place so beautifully.
The kids were particularly delighted with the hamsters, especially this really sweet little white one. Awwww!
This little kitten absolutely stole the kids’ hearts. She was 2 months old, and so sweet and cuddly. Perfectly clean, and so docile.
Hunter’s heart turned to mush. He was begging to adopt her and take her home! The way the little kitten snuggled up into him.. oh man…
I realise I forgot to take photos of their dogs! There was a very sweet puppy that was tugging at my heart strings, and I wish I’d taken a photo of her. I felt a bit guilty going to see the dogs, as they all got really excited and started wagging their tails and barking.. eager to be let out to play with us.
The SPCA’s cat enclosure houses around 6-8 cats, and you can enter the area to have some free play with them. The kids spent a pretty long time in there, as they loved playing with and patting the cats.
Carter took this photo of me, cuddling the kitty that stole our hearts. I have to admit, the SPCA is a pretty dangerous place to visit if you’re an animal lover like us!
The SPCA is located at 50 Sungei Tengah Road. You can call them at 6287535 to visit or enquire about adoption/fostering. And, of course, they could do with any donation you are willing to give.. every bit helps!
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