Judging from Carter’s relative disdain with his own 1st birthday party (he was mighty unimpressed with the fact that people kept wanting to coo at him and touch/carry him!), I was expecting a full scale meltdown come cake cutting time. After all, he’d have EVERYONE right there and staring at him!
Turns out, he actually rather enjoyed it.
I guess it’s because everyone kept a wide berth of us, so he felt heaps safer that it was just his own immediate family near him and nobody else.
We even managed to get some hand clapping action going on! Score! And Hunter helped out with the cake blowing… I’m not even sure if he understood that the star of the party was Carter and not him (despite all his proclamations that it’s “Carter’s birthday party”). 😉

Video of everyone singing Happy Birthday

Aaaaand… we did the smash cake. Hunter’s smash cake during his 1st birthday party was a total NON-event, because the kid refused to touch the cake (he hates getting anything ‘dirty’ on his hands, remember?).
Carter, on the other hand, was a LOT more game! He had his own special cupcake with a red star saying SUPER CARTER on it. Too cute.
He regarded the cupcake so seriously. And then poked it with one finger. And that was about it! Well, better than nothing, right? 😉

Video of the whole SMASH process! Including me smooshing the cupcake into Carter’s face (he wasn’t very pleased about that, whoops), and his very first bite of chocolate (he wasn’t very pleased with that either).

So that was Carter’s 1st Birthday! Very memorable, especially for me, because of all the DIY efforts. I was very happy with how it turned out.. and I had a lovely time 🙂 Both kids didn’t nap and slept real late, but didn’t have meltdowns in the evening, so thank goodness for that!
And to think Hunter’s 3rd birthday will be coming in just half-a-year’s time…..
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