HUNTER’S 1ST BIRTHDAY PARTY 28 January 2012 in Birthdays, Hunter

Hunter’s 1st birthday party was planned a little over 1 month in advance.. and frankly, it took more effort than any other party I’ve ever organised. I guess it’s because I’m not the sort to put together really lovely thematic parties, so this was actually my...

HUNTER: MONTH 11-12 PROGRESS 25 January 2012 in Hunter, Hunter's progress

Happy 1 YEAR Birthday, Hunter!   1 YEAR OLD. A year ago, we were staring at our newborn baby.. soaking in all 4.2+KG and 54cm of him. Utterly amazed that we had created a whole new living, breathing human. Remember him when he was this...

MUM’S IN HOSPITAL 20 January 2012 in Family

Hunter’s 1st birthday party is tomorrow.. and we’re all packed 🙂 We are staying overnight at the hotel in Sentosa so it will be a mini retreat for us as well! It’s going to be a pool party and so far the weather looks...

A WEE PLAYDATE @ BIBINOGS 17 January 2012 in Hunter, Playdates

A girl friend wanted to check out some play groups/schools for her lil girl, who is a couple of months older than Hunter. So Hunter and I went along for the ride, after we all had a lazy lunch. Bibinogs looked pretty interesting and I...

MUM’S BIRTHDAY DINNER @ LONG BEACH 14 January 2012 in Birthdays, Family

This is a bit of a backdated post, but I just discovered the photos on my camera and so decided to blog them. We went to Long Beach for dinner to celebrate’s Mum’s birthday – a pretty old school Chinese restaurant and famous for their...