HUNTER’S FAMILY 27 September 2013 in Hunter, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Things my kids say...

  Hunter, my first-born child, is the sentimental one. He’s always been very empathetic toward others and really ‘feeds’ off others’ moods. After a trip to the Science Museum, I was driving the two kids home when Hunter suddenly piped up, “Mama. Where going?”...

ELLY – ‘ROW ROW ROW YOUR BOAT’ COLLEC... 22 September 2013 in Carter, Events, Hunter, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Shopping

I reckon Elly’s new collection, dubbed “Row Row Row Your Boat”, is THE most attractive to me so far. It’s because it’s about as cutesy as you can possibly get (ie. to appeal to me) that is still wearable and also appealing to boys....

HUNTER AT 2 YEARS 7 MONTHS 19 September 2013 in Hunter, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Hunter's progress

My darling first born fascinates us every day. I love this 2-3 year old stage, and the explosion of words that come with it. Not just vocab and nouns, but full on logical sentences, inferences, and the ability to make witty jokes. He’s so...

A LITTLE POOL PLAYDATE 16 September 2013 in Friends, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Living in... Singapore

Hunter and Carter, and their two little girl friends got together for a fairly impromptu pool playdate last week. The weather was sunny and terrific, so the kids had a grand ‘ol time splashing around in the water! And thankfully, both Hunter and Carter can be...

BUKIT TIMAH SADDLE CLUB COUNTRY FAIR 2013 14 September 2013 in Festivals, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Living in... Singapore

I was soooo excited about our first Bukit Timah Saddle Club country fair together as a family. Held yearly, it basically sums up my (and Chris’) ideal way to spend a weekend – outdoors, poking our noses among the arts and crafts stalls, chowing...