Australia, HOLIDAYS, Living in... Australia FEATHERDALE WILDLIFE PARK 21 May 2012

We took a little road trip to Featherdale Wildlife Park, which Chris was really keen to get to since it’s basically a gigantic petting farm. And since the weather was spot-on perfect (cool enough to run around without a sweat, but with the bright sun warming up the place), it was THE best family outing we’ve even been on so far!

And check out this adorable Golden Retriever/Poodle crossย puppy that was at the rest stop along the way. It was so so so pretty!! And so affectionate and happy with Hunter too. Made us really want to get a dog like that for our kids when they’re a little older.

The beautiful golden retriever/poodle puppy during a rest-stop on our road trip


We hit Featherdale just before lunch time for maximum daylight hours. Hunter was in his element. He loves animals and was in seventh heaven running around checking them all out.. pointing to every one, going up to them and reaching out for a pat.

Impressively, the animals there are all so tame, placid and friendly. I guess they’re used to schoolkids going up in groups and manhandling them ๐Ÿ˜› They didn’t mind Hunter approaching them and giving them a pat, and many even proactively went up to him to check him out ๐Ÿ˜‰

Patting a koala (which was much more interested in eating than us)


"Look, Mum, wallabies my size!"


Daddy, Mummy and Baby wallaby *dies of cuteness*


I said "Hunter, go pat him on the bum!" And he did. LOL.




Super-tame kookaburras, I could even pat them!!


Immitating the kookaburra laugh


Beautiful peacock


Fascinated with more birds


Completely delighted to see a real pig, after seeing them in his picture books


And just as delighted to come up-close with a cow!


All tuckered out from the day's excitement ๐Ÿ™‚


Featherdale Wildlife Park is a total MUST-GO in Australia. It’s so good for young kids because you can interact with the animals, many of which are roaming around free. We had a wonderful time as a little family there and will definitely go again next time we’re in Australia ๐Ÿ™‚


Letโ€™s Chat!

Let's Chat!

I cant believe Hunter even posed and smiled for the camera when he went over to pat the bum bum *cuteness overload*

Haha yeah it was easy to take, cos he was so delighted he was smiling anyway and kept looking at us with a “CHECK OUT WHAT I’M DOING!!” expression ๐Ÿ˜‰

He was having GREAT fun going up to all the kangaroos.. thankfully they were all very patient and didn’t mind having all their body parts patted, LOL!

Hunter is toooo adooorable, and obviously super excited to see all the animals in real life!

OHHHHHHHHHHHH I had no idea! Or I’d have asked you to come along, would love to meet your 2 kiddies ๐Ÿ™‚

little hunter looks sooo happy in this set of pictures! i guess he really loves his aussie animals!

p.s. you still look fabulous! how have you been feeling?

He really did, it was awesome he got to pat all of em ๐Ÿ™‚

Feeling ok but really exhausted this week as we’re moving! Dohhh

Hunter looks exactly like a kewpie doll when he’s petting the roo on his bum, too cute for words! ๐Ÿ™‚ Been to Featherdale years ago when I was studying at USyd and glad to see that it hasn’t changed

Heh that’s my fave pic cos he looks so content ๐Ÿ™‚

Featherdale really is awesome.. can’t wait to go back with 2 kids in tow

Hunter is THE most smiley child I have ever seen. I love looking at his happy pictures!

When I visited Australia, years ago, my family there took us to Featherdale. I even have the same picture with the disinterested koala!

He’s actually not a v smiley kid! It’s probably cos I take photos of him when he’s happy and interested in something hehe. He’s very cheerful around us and at home, but in general when he’s around strangers, he has serious-face going on ๐Ÿ˜‰

Haha the koala really was disinterested!

Wonderful stuff! Hunter looks so blissful around the animals ๐Ÿ˜‰ By the way, where did you get Hunter’s hat from? I like that it straps under his chin; the one we have for Enoch is good but he sometimes keeps wanting to take it off!