We took a road trip down to the Blue
It was cold there! The afternoons were nice and sunny, but nights were particularly frigid once the sun went down. Still, we had lots of fun and Hunter really liked the great outdoors 🙂

Hunter rarely gets to watch TV when we’re at home. Actually, he actually never does, because we never have the TV on. Chris is rather against the whole concept, which he feels destroys brain cells and does you no good, and I’m happy to comply because I don’t really care for TV anyway.
It means that Hunter is flat-out AMAZED whenever he sees a TV. Moving pictures!!!! He just gapes at it, and can’t quite believe his eyes. It’s actually great for us, because if he’s inconsolable or particularly fretful for whatever reason, we can turn on the TV for 5 mins and….. INSTANT IMMOBILIZER 😉

We had some particularly nice experiences in cafes in the Blue Mountains. They make particularly lovely places to hang out and relax over a hot cup of coffee, and Hunter enjoyed toddling around and greeting all the patrons. I think we spent hours just relaxing in cafes!

The Blue Mountains area is really nice even for families with young kids. People are patient, the pace of life is more relaxed, and sometimes it’s really nice to just STOP and breathe. The heat and humidity of Singapore can get to us sometimes, and especially the frantic behaviour of people here. It’s wonderful to be able to escape it, if only for a little while, and enjoy life for a bit 🙂
That’s why I always told the hub that Australia is a fantastic place to go with the toddler. Really relaxing and just enjoy the company of us because it’s so slow there. Life should be like that! Plus nice weather.
You gotta pick the right parts of Australia though! in Sydney, it’s just as frantic as it is in Singapore.. but in ‘sleepier’ suburbs/states, it’s definitely way more relaxed 🙂
haha I LOVED the steep tram!
may I know what brand your jeans are? they look really nice on you!
Me too, like a rollercoaster 😉
AHEM those jeans are actually my Mum’s old ones, just simple ones that fit me! Uniqlo have a *very* similar version in stock right now though (in fact Mum bought a pair there to replace these)
I love the Blue Mountains, I can’t wait to bring the family there one day soon!
BTW, I love his lashes too 🙂
You guys will have a lot of fun there for sure!
Brings back such great memories of my last trip to Australia almost 10 yrs ago! May I ask, at what age did you start giving Hunter “normal” food? I heard its about 1 year. Did you start him on regular food earlier?
Wow it would’ve changed heaps by now.. you guys so should go back, your lil one would love it 🙂
‘Normal’ food as in what Chris and I would eat? we actually don’t do that unless we have zero choice (like when we were on holiday in Australia, unfortunately). And when I ordered him scrambled eggs for breakfast/lunch, I’d ask for zero salt/spices in his food so that it’d roughly be the same as if I’d cooked for him myself!
U are looking radiant with the tummy! 🙂 Thanks for the tip on all the nice places, will definitely check it out when I go back to Australia!
Aw thanks Iris 🙂 And hope you go back to AU soon!
ahh, miss the breathtaking view. I remembered hating the steep tram, it somewhat made me wanna barf… I still do! :/
hee, Hunter hot choc expression sooo cute!
Haha it was quite fun, but wish it was longer cos it was only like 2 mins?!