BINTAN BEACH HOLIDAY – THE FIRSTS 7 October 2011 in Bintan

  Our first family holiday was approached with a bit of trepidation since we weren’t sure how Hunter would react to new surroundings, new bed, etc. Would he freak out? Would he take it all like a champion? In short, he rolled very well with...

OUR FIRST FAMILY HOLIDAY 4 October 2011 in Bintan

Chris has the whole week off this week, so we’re off on our first every family holiday! Considering we are ridiculously strict about Hunter’s schedule and making sure he sleeps in his own cot every night at home, this is pretty epic 😉 But,...

iS CLINICAL SKINCARE REVIEWS 3 October 2011 in Beauty, Events

  So this pretty gift box was our door gift at the iS CLINICAL skincare event. It was filled with some full-sized products and deluxe samples that I excitedly pored through. I was really impressed with what I’d learned at the event, not to...


    I’d first discovered organic bamboo clothing back when I was pregnant. I was suddenly into all this eco stuff and really LOVED soft, organic fabrics on my skin (and growing belly!). And so I bought a few pieces of bamboo clothing whilst pregnant and...

iS CLINICAL SKIN CARE 30 September 2011 in Beauty, Events

If you know me pretty well, or have read my blog for awhile, you’ll know that I specifically go after serums. I’m a little obsessed with skincare, so back in the day, I taught myself about particular chemicals that are good for the skin, what concentrations...