FAMILY PHOTOSHOOT 12 January 2012 in Family, Hunter

The lovely Joan did a family photoshoot of all of us, back when Hunter was 6 months old (OK I know this is waaaay overdue!) and Chris’ parents came for a visit. We were all casually dressed because the shoot was done at the buttcrack...


I had some buttermilk in the fridge.. and I also had some pure maple syrup in there. So, I decided to whack together a Maple-buttermilk pudding! I used just 1 large mixing bowl + 1 fork (to mix everything).. so it was minimal cleaning...

HELLO, WORLD? 10 January 2012 in Hunter

OK so something bad happened to my blog, ‘cos peoeple were reporting that they couldn’t click into the A NEW YEAR PLAYDATE link to comment on it. Argh! I actually still have no idea what’s wrong, even after trawling through the code. I mean,...

A NEW YEAR PLAYDATE 7 January 2012 in Hunter, Playdates

One of my girl friends hosted a pretty epic baby playdate last week.. right smack on the first day of 2012. Epic because we had 6 kids of various ages running amok through her place, and with even more adults there as well! To be...

A BIRD’S EYE VIEW AT LEVEL33 6 January 2012 in Food reviews - Singapore, Friends

Level33 8 Marina Boulevard #33-01 Marina Bay Financial Centre Tower 1 Singapore PRICE: $$$$ RATING: ????- I personally would describe Level33 as an expensive but gorgeous micro brewery and restaurant. I’d never been before (I live under a rock and barely know any ‘nice’ places...