SMASH! GOES MY CAR… 8 October 2013 in Uncategorized

This, my friends, is the result of my car having a disagreement with a truck. By “my car”, I actually mean my parents car. Yep, I crashed someone else’s car *facepalm* And by “disagreement with a truck”, I actually mean I rammed smack into...

SWAROVSKI TOSHA PINK BRACELET 21 April 2013 in Uncategorized

I’ve never really been a Swarovski fan. Not because I don’t like their stuff, but rather because I’d never really gone into the store and looked at their goodies. But I spotted their Tosha Pink Bracelet and fell in love! It’s not ridiculously expensive, but...

BRAUN BUFFEL MULTI BAG 13 June 2012 in Uncategorized

I’d spotted the Braun Buffel multi bag around the end of last year, I think. I’d never paid attention to the brand before (as I didn’t know much about it, nor seen it around much) but this particular bag caught my eye because of...

TYPING SPEED 15 March 2012 in Uncategorized

I’m bored. Hence did this: Guess all those years of (almost) daily blogging helped. I knew it would come in useful one day… LOL!

GET WITH THE TIMES 23 August 2011 in Uncategorized

A couple of people have asked how best to keep track of my blog’s updates, now that I’m off LiveJournal. There are 3 ways: Bookmark (or press CTRL-D on your keyboard to do it) Copy & paste my RSS feed into your RSS...