ROCKING OUT TO NINE INCH NAILS 10 September 2009 in Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

One of the first married couple activities we did together was….. the Nine Inch Nails farewell concert! The band is retiring and hence were doing a farewell tour in various countries, Singapore being one of them. So 2 days after we got married, we...

BRUNCH WITH GAL PALS 9 September 2009 in FOOD, Friends, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

Went out for brunch with my Aussie gal pals that had flown in from Australia to Singapore for the wedding.. it was amazing seeing them!! Have not seen all 3 in aggggggges and it sucks 🙁 It’s what I miss most about leaving Australia.....

CELEBRATING WITH FRIENDS 8 September 2009 in Friends, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

It was rollagirl9‘s 30th birthday and she spent it in Singapore with meeeee! Well, she was here for our wedding, and her birthday was the day afterwards. Great timing, because we could run around Singapore and be mega tourists, heh. We met up in...

SIDNEY’S WEDDING DINNER @ CHIJMES 4 August 2009 in Family, FOOD, Food reviews, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

We’re in Singapore!! With FOUR DAYS left to the wedding!! *runs around in frantic circles* I don’t feel like talking wedding-related talk because as it is, my head is gonna implode… so I’ll talk about someone else’s wedding instead 😛 My cousin Sidney had...

Protected: PLANNING A WEDDING IN 1 WEEK 6 July 2009 in Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized, Wedding

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