PLAYDATE ON THE 57TH FLOOR 21 December 2011 in Friends, Playdates

A dear girl friend TL (my ex-colleague from eBay Australia) was visiting from Australia, so we met up with her for a playdate, because she has 2 gorgeous lil boys! Hunter very rarely hangs out with other boys, so it’s good for him to...

LITTLE LUXE SINGAPORE LAUNCH PARTY 16 December 2011 in Events, Hunter, Playdates

We had a bit of a crazy playdate the other day.. because of the number of babies involved and also because it was to attend the Little Luxe Singapore launch party, which had tons of people! We started off with lunch at Skinny Pizza. My...

A 5-KID PLAYDATE 9 December 2011 in Hunter, Playdates

Did we dare to have 3 adults and 5 children all out for lunch together? That just sounds like an EPIC FAIL in the making, with thoughts of mayhem and madness. In reality though, we were all (pleasantly) surprised that there was zero crying/fussing...

A TETE-A-TETE AT ANTOINETTE 3 December 2011 in Food reviews - Singapore, Hunter, Playdates

Antoinette 30 Penhas Road Singapore PRICE: $$$ RATING: ????- I’ve been wanting to check out Antoinette for quite awhile now, so was  surprised and delighted with my girl friend casually mentioned “oh, it’s next to where I live”. Guess where we went to for lunch, then?...

A WEE PLAYDATE AT HOME 26 November 2011 in Hunter, Playdates

I haven’t been very ‘on the ball’ with taking photos and posting about Hunter’s playdates for the past few weeks.. mostly because it’s a bit like “you’ve seen one, you’ve seen ’em all” sort of thing for everyone else IMHO, and aren’t very interesting unless...