HUNTER: MONTH 2-3 PROGRESS 25 April 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

Happy 3 month Birthday, Hunter! And so we blinked and Hunter turned 3 months old. Wasn’t it only just yesterday he turned 2 months old? It’s pretty startling to see how different a 3 month old is to before.. he’s truly becoming a little...

CRINKLE TEDDY 19 April 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

Hunter’s been sick the past 2-3 days 🙁 Normally he’s really alert and gurgling and laughing away, and suddenly he became super quiet/introverted and would just lie there silently staring into space, instead of interacting eagerly with us. He had a fever but not...

HUNTER’S BELLY LAUGH 16 April 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

Wanna hear an 11-week old baby scream with laughter? 😛 Just watching this video puts me in a good mood… teehee.

FLIPPING OVER 14 April 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

For Hunter’s 11 week birthday, he celebrated by learning something new: rolling over from tummy to back! It happened in the morning, when we were doing our usual morning cuddle and song time in bed. I popped him on his belly to do “tummy...

OUR MORNING LARK 12 April 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

Ever since he was born, Hunter has had very distinct moods between morning and evenings. His prime time is, by far, mornings. Our routine is that at 8AM, we draw back the curtains so sunlight streams in, and un-swaddle him and brightly say “Good...