PREGNANCY: BABY LOOT! 12 October 2010 in Pregnancy, Uncategorized

I know, I know…. my blogging has taken a turn for the worse recently and I go days between posting. I actually still have a whole ton of stuff (last lot of bags, and also shoes, jewellery, clothing etc) to sell here but have...

PREGNANCY: 4D ULTRASOUNDS FTW! 11 October 2010 in Pregnancy, Uncategorized

I was soooo irrationally worried about my prenatal glucose test for Gestational Diabetes this week, because I’d heard of a lot of women that failed and had diabetes during pregnancy. It’s not that bad to have it, and rather common, but there is the...

(PRE)PUSH PRESENT 21 September 2010 in Pregnancy, Uncategorized

This is our funny little story about the conception. Obviously not going into the details so if you’re after some juicy stuff, *ahem*… go look somewhere else 😉 But, back when we were deciding to “just let nature take its course and see if...

WHOOPS I SWALLOWED A MELON! 19 September 2010 in Pregnancy, Uncategorized

One of the amusing things about returning back to Shanghai was seeing all our friends again. Particularly their reaction to seeing me 😛 They were all pretty shocked at how much my belly grew in my a few weeks. I had a fairly flat-ish...

PREGNANCY WEEK 16 – 21 18 September 2010 in Pregnancy, Uncategorized

I’m just over 22 weeks (5½ months) pregnant now 🙂 How time flies! Below is my little record of 4th – 5th month of pregnancy. Months 2-4 are here. I suppose the biggest thing was our epic Eurotrip 🙂 I was afraid that, despite...