I was soooo irrationally worried about my prenatal
We got to the maternity hospital and I had to down half-a-cup of glucose in one go. Bleuuurgghhhh. Then had to survive on no water for an hour (very difficult for a hydrophile like me) to see if my body could break down all that sugar normally.
The good news is – I got the all clear – NO gestational diabetes *whew*.
During the hour of waiting, to kill time, they let us have another ultrasound, yayyyy!!! I love our hospital. Normally you pay for ultrasounds and the package only comes with a set number included, but so far, they’ve done an ultrasound for us at every single visit (!!) – which they don’t have to and which we are so grateful for, because it’s such a wonderful feeling seeing your baby on the screen π
This time, it was a 4D ultrasound again, which is heaps more fun than the regular version since the baby is in 3D and moves in real time as well. They double-checked the gender (yes, still a boy!) and we watched him wriggle. And boy, did he MOVE! The sugar hit I had also hit him, and he was jumping and bopping around so much my stomach was constantly moving. He was stretching and waving his arms, jiggling/bouncing his legs and fiddling with his face and umbilical cord, scrunching up his face and turning this way and that. It was beyond cute π
Lil Mr Pouty Pants

Yes he has crazy-long/thin fingers, ‘cos Chris and I both do!
lucky you don’t have gestational diabetes, hour rah! that was the worst bit of my pregnancy
Sorry to hear you had it π But then it’s all worth it in the end right? π
lucky you don’t have gestational diabetes, hour rah! that was the worst bit of my pregnancy
Sorry to hear you had it π But then it’s all worth it in the end right? π
My first though was that he looks like Chris! But thanks to you he’s not gonna be a ginger. π
Anyway I need your address hun so I can send you a pressie for the bub.
Better he looks like Chris than like me, dont want a girly lookin boy, haha!
Ooh will email ya
My first though was that he looks like Chris! But thanks to you he’s not gonna be a ginger. π
Anyway I need your address hun so I can send you a pressie for the bub.
Better he looks like Chris than like me, dont want a girly lookin boy, haha!
Ooh will email ya
I’m with the others. The side profile is very like Chris. π
He’s most pleased about this, ROFL!! i LOVE that he has a nosebridge, like Chris π
OMG! That is Chris right there!! Cannot believe the resemblance!!!!
You should take a pic of pouty Chris and put it side by side. The resemblance is uncanny!
Hee people keep saying that.. I’m glad he looks like Chris, don’t want a girly-looking boy, bwahahah!
He’s looking mighty comfy there!
I understand what 3D means but what’s the 4th dimension?
Time! So you see him move in real time
Ermmmm that’s what the whole point of ultrasounds are – that they are real-time! How gimmicky to call it 4D!
YAY to no GD!!!! Your little one looks so cute in the pouty pic!! Bet you can’t wait to meet him!
I know… whew! I know it’s not that bad to get it, but I’m still relieved.. Still, better be careful what I eat anyhow..!
I was also about to say, from the ulstrasound at least, he seems to resemble Chris a fair bit!
That’s adorable and how wonderful for you to experience such a beautiful personal journey like this.
Chris is quite delighted that people think so… teehee! π
I’m with the others. The side profile is very like Chris. π
He’s most pleased about this, ROFL!! i LOVE that he has a nosebridge, like Chris π
Holy crap that’s AMAZING! Sucks that you had to do that test though. Half a cup of glucose sounds icky.
Yeah it’s just crazy how far technology has come!
woah to technology!
My parents said they didn’t get those 3/4D scans, so i’m glad they have that technology now! Imagine in 20 years how clear the scans would be…
OMG! That is Chris right there!! Cannot believe the resemblance!!!!
You should take a pic of pouty Chris and put it side by side. The resemblance is uncanny!
Hee people keep saying that.. I’m glad he looks like Chris, don’t want a girly-looking boy, bwahahah!
He’s looking mighty comfy there!
I understand what 3D means but what’s the 4th dimension?
Time! So you see him move in real time
Ermmmm that’s what the whole point of ultrasounds are – that they are real-time! How gimmicky to call it 4D!
YAY to no GD!!!! Your little one looks so cute in the pouty pic!! Bet you can’t wait to meet him!
I know… whew! I know it’s not that bad to get it, but I’m still relieved.. Still, better be careful what I eat anyhow..!
I was also about to say, from the ulstrasound at least, he seems to resemble Chris a fair bit!
That’s adorable and how wonderful for you to experience such a beautiful personal journey like this.
Chris is quite delighted that people think so… teehee! π
his side profile seemed to resemble chris!
Haha I so have to tell him, he’ll be most pleased π
I came to say the same thing! He looks like Chris already. Are you naming him Chris?
Heh Chris was very with both yoru comments π Nah not naming our baby Chris!
I think the 3D/4D scans are cool but (if you don’t mind me saying) they make the baby looks a little bit alien-y KWIM? π
Ohh your clinic doesn’t offer ’em for you whenever you go? I love them, it feels/looks a crapload more real than the black & white 2D ones, which I can’t really seem to relate to, lol – I think it’s fab actually being able to see the baby’s facial expressions and movement π
Yup 3d/4d shows way more details. I’ll remember to ask my doc about it this Friday. I don’t think it’s the norm here in HK, plus I am with a small private practice not sure if he has it at his clinic π
Yeah, we’re always gawping whenever we get our ultrasound.. I never knew they could be so interesting, lol!
Holy crap that’s AMAZING! Sucks that you had to do that test though. Half a cup of glucose sounds icky.
Yeah it’s just crazy how far technology has come!
awwww!!!! so kawaii!
have you both got a name for him?
Yeah we do π We decided pretty early on and both loved the name, so whew!
Aww so cute!!!
Hee it was tres cool seeing him wriggle and pull faces π
Wow… I must say this is one amazing journey for you and Chris.. enjoy the ride and your boy is tres cute!! π
I gotta say it’s so much fun being pregnant.. but can’t wait to meet him! π
woah to technology!
My parents said they didn’t get those 3/4D scans, so i’m glad they have that technology now! Imagine in 20 years how clear the scans would be…
his side profile seemed to resemble chris!
Haha I so have to tell him, he’ll be most pleased π
I came to say the same thing! He looks like Chris already. Are you naming him Chris?
Heh Chris was very with both yoru comments π Nah not naming our baby Chris!
I think the 3D/4D scans are cool but (if you don’t mind me saying) they make the baby looks a little bit alien-y KWIM? π
Ohh your clinic doesn’t offer ’em for you whenever you go? I love them, it feels/looks a crapload more real than the black & white 2D ones, which I can’t really seem to relate to, lol – I think it’s fab actually being able to see the baby’s facial expressions and movement π
Yup 3d/4d shows way more details. I’ll remember to ask my doc about it this Friday. I don’t think it’s the norm here in HK, plus I am with a small private practice not sure if he has it at his clinic π
Yeah, we’re always gawping whenever we get our ultrasound.. I never knew they could be so interesting, lol!
awwww!!!! so kawaii!
have you both got a name for him?
Yeah we do π We decided pretty early on and both loved the name, so whew!
Aww so cute!!!
Hee it was tres cool seeing him wriggle and pull faces π
Wow… I must say this is one amazing journey for you and Chris.. enjoy the ride and your boy is tres cute!! π
I gotta say it’s so much fun being pregnant.. but can’t wait to meet him! π