I finally got round to take this video of Carter, that totally contravenes all the I-am-sunshine-bear
He is a SUPER smiley and social baby, but I still maintain he has the LOUDEST scream known to man.
This is Carter in all his glory, screaming like a banshee whilst putting himself to sleep. This happens about once a day, which frankly, is once too many times. The odd thing is, he’s not screaming for milk, or pats, or anything in particular. We’ve figured out he just likes to scream to expend his extra energy or something, because he’ll then shut up and fall asleep straight after. The screaming can last for a few seconds… all the way up to half an hour if I’m really unlucky. The fact that he then zonks out afterwards and wakes up cheery as a clam has totally flummoxed me.
Do any of your kids, or do you know of any kids, that scream like this, for the sheer heck of it.. then put themselves to sleep?
Well, at least he does put himself to sleep alone, and stays asleep for 12-13 hours at night without waking for food/comfort. It’s just this bit where he screams that drives me nuts!

I was feeding Miki when I started to watch the video of Carter. The moment the vid played, she stopped feeding and looked at me with eyes wide open as though to say “OMG I’VE MET MY MATCH!”. Once the video ended she continued feeding happily again. Lol.
Oh and at least Carter only does it when going to bed. Miki is super impatient and wails like there’s a huge crisis whenever she’s hungry, needs a diaper change or wants to be carried. And it all has to be PRONTO. The concept of waiting is lost on her and its driving me nuts.
Hahah she’s so cute!! They should get together and go scream at each other to realise how annoying it is 😉
Awww, he’s wailing like he has the most tragic problems in the universe, it’s quite cute, hahaha 😛
Don’t stress yourself, babe, I think it’s his way of putting himself to sleep and will probably grow out of it.
Hahahha you said it spot-on!! Such a drama king he is
Jordan was like that, she’d scream and OMG she’s a screamer and I often tell people if we had her first might not have wanted two kids. But yeah she’d scream for two minutes, start babbling and then zzz, altogether 5 mins. Really weird.
Sounds the same! Man, one day when he’s a teenager and soundly asleep, I am so gonna SCREAM in his face.. so he’ll know what it’s like 😉
Eloise screams herself to sleep too. She’s always been an epic screamer 🙂
Does she still do that, and is it like Carter?? I hope he cuts it out asap… it’s really stressful argh!!
Avery does that too, but 100 times louder… she screams so loud it shatters our eardrums (and she is 2 now)
Siena never screamed or cried so I guess it’s payback time now with Avery! haha
Does she still do that to sleep?? At 2? Please tell me she doesn’t, I’m seriously scared carter will be still doing that at 2….. arghhhhh
the only way to stop her from screaming like a raving mad lunatic for an hour is for Nancy to lie with her in Avery’s bed together when they go to sleep… but if Avery wakes up at any time during the night or morning and notices she is alone, she screams again at eardrum piercing levels and Nancy has to join her in bed again so we’ll have some peace… when will it end!!?
the second kid is different.. Siena was never like this and just fell asleep peacefully on her own…
Arghh poor Nancy! Are you going to sleep train? 😛
I think we have given up for now.. haha.. she will be 3 yrs old in August so things should improve by that time
The good thing is that once she finally does fall asleep, she often sleeps throuygh the night until 8 am! So it’s not too bad… but a couple of time a week, she will wake up at 3 am screaming “MOMMY!!!!” at the top of her lungs (we will both be deaf by the summer :P)
Wish i could call that screaming too, baby girl started sceaming, high pitched squealing one that pierced thru eardrum and shook glass literally from day 2. Hasnt stopped since, now at 15 months, never slept thru. I was so PND’ed it seemed like there was no end. Cope better now getting used to it I guess but dont think i’d be brave enough for a second. And today an old man sneered at me at the bus stop because bubba wont stop screaming agh!
Carter’s isn’t really high pitched, but just PIERCING. Eeeeek! It really scrambles my brain. They do say the second child isn’t always like the first though… so don’t be too afraid 😛 To prove that theory, Carter is so different from Hunter!
THat’s so disgusting you were sneered at. Some people are just awful.
You call that screaming?
Is Christian like that too? I swear it’s waaay louder in person!
No, he usually goes quietly at his morning nap and at bedtime. Afternoon nap is up for grabs though. If he screams, it is usually to protest sleep and is WAY louder.
My 6 month old baby sleeps exactly the same way! Even the screaming sounds the same! Lol!
Hahha oh it’s good to hear that!!
I realized Sophie (my 6mo baby) only scream herself to sleep when she’s overtired. If we catch her sleepy cues early enough and put her to bed ASAP, she goes down quietly. But if we delay it any longer, the screaming goes from a few minutes to an hour! We tried different ways to soothe her when she screams but that only made her scream LOUDER. It sometimes happen in the middle of the night when she wakes and couldn’t put herself back to sleep, she’d scream in frustration. It’s really grating to the ears!
Ahh Carter is the opposite! If we put him down too early he’ll either wail or talk loudly. But if he’s tired, he just zonks.
Our poor ears!
Oh yes. Georgie used to scream like someone was pulling out her finger nails at nap time. She just did not want to go to sleep. But anywhere between 3 and about 15 minutes of screaming was followed by sleep. Almost without fail. And she wakes up happy. I do not understand but it’s good to know someone else’s baby is going through it!
You sure we’re talking about the same lil girl? Her face is angelic!!