It’s truly an eye-opener to discover just how expensive it can get when you have 3 kids. Granted, I’m not talking about simply keeping them alive, but more of buying cute things that make them look nice. (at least I’m being honest)
The truth is, after 3 kids, I reckon I’m pretty good at figuring out what I should buy, and what I shouldn’t buy.
I used to get the boys HEAPS of clothes and shoes when they were younger, because – believe it or not – I actually really love boys clothes and dressing boys up! But now that they’re a bit older, I’ve realised that they aren’t really outgrowing their clothes anymore. The clothes get a bit shorter, but they still look fine. Plus, their wardrobe is absolutely packed to the brim… there is ZERO space left! No space = no more buying.
As for Chloe, 90% (maybe more) of her clothes are either gifts from really kind brands, or beautiful hand-me-downs from my friends. Her wardrobe is also overflowing, so I haven’t really ‘invested’ in much clothing for her.
I really like how the girl’s version isn’t pink. It’s feminine, in a different way. And it’s just so cute, arghhhhhh!
The boy’s version attracted me because of the material. It’s hard to describe in words, but the quality felt amazing. Not the usual boys swimming shorts material, but a softer and more supple material. It dries really quickly, and the colour doesn’t fade.
Obviously comfortable for doing backflips and running leaps into the pool!
All 3 kids were really chuffed to be in matchy-match.. so I’m going to ride this wave since it won’t last long. Let’s just hope these swimmers last for awhile!
i just had a thought
you could get your free kids to start a youtube channel !!!!!