Events THE SKINNYMINT TEA-TOX… my thoughts 30 June 2014



just finished my 28-day SkinnyMint tea-tox! That’s a tea detox, for anyone not yet in the know with all this new lingo these days 😉

You can have a look at my kick off post with SkinnyMint here.

It’s 28 days later and I can safely say I am addicted to drinking tea. I’ve never been much of a tea drinker previously, but this tea-tox has made me aware of a whole bunch of things. Here’s what I like about SkinnyMint’s tea-tox:

  1. The Morning tea and Evening tea taste….. delicious. I’ve never liked herbal or floral teas, they taste really odd to me. But SkinnyMint’s version is subtle, comforting, and just tastes damn good.
  2. It’s super easy to incorporate the tea-tox into my lifestyle. I just go about my own daily business, and all I have to do is have my morning cup of tea, and evening cup of tea. It’s a bit of a no-brainer.
  3. The teas curb my appetite, and I eat less. It’s no secret my appetite is pretty huge. The tea helps to fill up a big portion of my belly, and I end up eating less – a lot less. Like, half my usual portion size! It’s like an insta-diet.
  4. I look forward to my cup of tea. I guess I’ve associated it with a bit of downtime, a delicious taste, and a nice habit. It’s comforting for me.
  5. They ship worldwide. Easily accessible for everyone!


It all comes in tea bags, which you simply pop into a cup of hot water and leave to steep for a few minutes. Cool tip: save your tea bag afterwards and you can make yourself a second cup of tea with it later!

Even my 3 year old toddler can make a cup of tea 😉



Yummy tea FTW!



You can read more information about SkinnyMint at their website. They ship internationally! Have a fab tea-tox 🙂



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