One of Hunter’s favourite girl friends had her 2nd
Maybe Hunter and her can now “connect” on some level as being big brother/sister to a little baby. They can commiserate with each other on how good or bad it is to have a baby in the house, haha.
There were a billion kids running around the play gym. Well maybe not a billion, maybe one or two less than that. But it sure was packed with kids running everywhere! I think the adults were pretty exhausted, LOL. And for those with 2 kids, neither parent got a rest! Ours are both too young to be left unsupervised in there, so we were really kept on our toes.
(some pics snitched off Janice!)
There was something for everyone! Even the youngest of kids, like Carter, had fun. Here he is jumping around like a madman. He LOVED that thing. He lunged and threw himself with much devilish glee, and wailed if he was removed from the contraption.
Hunter, my little Mr Reserved, had a total BLAST! I didn’t even recognise the crazy, exuberant kid.. dashing around, throwing himself around and laughing like a maniac. Actually everyone there that witnessed his antics (and know what he’s normally like) were all going “I cannot BELIEVE Hunter is like this?!”.
Even odder, he’d been to this play gym a few weeks back, and was really nervous about it. He refused to be in the ball pit and was generally horrified by most of the stuff there.
But during the party, he was playing like any normal kid! I couldn’t believe my eyes. And I LOVED IT 🙂
Amazingly, all the kids managed to sit around the table at the same time for eating/cake cutting. What a feat! It took much effort to get Hunter to eat his ham & cheese sandwich.. but since he is pretty much vegetarian, he ate it once I removed the ham *facepalm*. Didn’t object to the cake though, he ate that with gusto!
that flying contraption is so COOL!!
No adult sized one…. boo….
Hunter must have been so happy to see all of his little friends, he couldn’t help but be excited and have fun too! at least now you know he’s not a party pooper! 😀 xx
Haha maybe you’re right! It was just so amazing to see..
Wait, H is ‘vegetarian’?!?!
Yeah…. pretty much! Crazy huh.. considering Chris and I are the exact opposite
Maybe he was just so excited to be celebrating his No1 girlfriend’s birthday!!!
He really was, actually!