SINGAPORE ZOO 8 June 2012 in Family, Hunter

We had a pretty EPIC play date……… at the Singapore Zoo! It turned out to be a very nice family outing, and the kidlets had lots of fun. It was a great idea, especially because Hunter had been to Taronga Zoo in Australia just...

SIMPLE FRENCH FOOD @ SAVEUR 7 June 2012 in FOOD, Food reviews - Singapore

Saveur 5 Purvis Street, #01-04 Singapore PRICE: $$ RATING: ???– I’ve actually been gagging to go to Saveur for ages now. In fact, I did go to the one in the East side, but was so disappointed that it was closed after having made...


I’m a huge fan of’s designs, which have a vintage slant and are oh-so-feminine. They have a HUGE selection at their site, and add a whole bunch of new stuff every day.. so it’s become one of my most-visited sites – I actually...

SEGWAY RIDING @ TANJONG BEACH CLUB 4 June 2012 in Family, Living in... Singapore

We spent the afternoon at Sentosa’s Tanjong Beach Clubbecause the weather was lovely – hot but with some wind, and no direct sun to cause sunburn. It’s good to go on a weekday, because it’s nice and quiet. I can imagine it’d probably be...

PREGNANCY #2: MONTH 7 in Carter, Pregnancy

  Here I am at Week 29. I missed the previous month’s (Month 6) update, because between the Australia trip and all our outings, I never got round to it. There was actually nothing to say anyway, and frankly, same goes for this month!...