Our little boy, at the tender age of 1 year old, is quite the discerning lil man when it comes to his shoes.
It started off when he was really young and always looked at his feet, to make sure he had shoes on before going out. I would always announce to him “We’re putting on your shoes, Hunter!” and he began taking pride in them. When he started walking, he would always look at his feet and want his shoes to be put on – and would bring his shoes to me or even try and wear our adult shoes.
In the past month, he’s amped it up to wanting to select his own shoes to wear. I thought only girls did this!! But nope, he’ll carefully inspect the shoes that have been put on him, and if it’s not to his liking, I get a “no no no” and he points to the appropriate one that he wants instead. It amuses me to no end 😉
So of course I like to indulge this little shoe fetish of his!
I realised that wearing open-toed sandals were the most practical in Singapore, which started when he got his awesome Saltwater sandals and Skeanie shoes.
So I picked out a few goodies from Livie & Luca, a super cute (and comfortable) kids shoes store that ship internationally! They have very cute styles, and soft rubber soles for comfort. Check ’em out…. ADORABLE OR WHAT??!?!

When we were in Australia, I found a pair of Ecco kids shoes that were 50% off, down from $100. The original price is helluva lot to pay for kids shoes, considering they’re outgrown of so quickly, and no way I’d pay a hundred bucks! But for half-off, and for a good brand, I was swayed. These have that ‘sneakers’ casual look that I really like, and great bouncy soles.

And I realise these are a teeny weeny itsy bitsy bit feminine-looking, but these Stride Rites were TOO CUTE with the pink & aqua colours!! They’re in quite a large size so he’ll take awhile to grow into them, but I can’t wait 😉 I wish they had them in ladies sizing, because I would buy ’em for myself for sure.

the womens shoes from Livie and Luca looks very nice 🙂 how’s the fit? I’m thinking of buying a pair too…
Exact fit – I’m normally US5.5 and their 5.5 fits perfectly. They are SO comfy.. which makes me relieved cos Hunter wears their kids shoes so I figure they must be comfy for him too 🙂
it wont be long before hunter has his own blog !!!!
hahha perhaps “Hunter’s guide to toddler fashion” 😉
I just saw See Kai Run shoes at Giggle her in NYC, wow super cute!
I think the girl ones are cuter than the boys version though.. grr!
Hunter has the same fab taste as his mum’s! My mum got Bubs a pair of Ecco from UK during the Xmas sale and it was such a bargain at only 10 pounds … I wish they’d such sales here!
OMG that is impressive… and such an awesome deal. Lucky!
How cute are kids shoes? Have you checked out See Kai Run shoes? I love them for E.
Yeah, I find they’re cute but they’re so so so so common here in SG! 🙁