So unless you’ve been living under a bit of a rock, you’d have heard of the fabulous fashion designer Diane von Furstenberg doing a collaboration with Gap to make DVF
Normally a fairly high-end womens fashion designer, Diane von Furstenberg sells dresses ranging in the hundreds of dollars. I LOVE the dresses though, because she specialises in wrap dresses that I feel are really flattering on the figure. That said, he dresses are often WAAAYYY too big on me, so the only item I own is a green wrap top with white hearts that I wore all the time to the office. It was simple, chic, and so comfortable.
When I heard she was doing a range for babyGap, I was pretty interested in checking it out. However, I wasn’t impressed when I saw the range online – it just looked kind of dull! Nothing that really grabbed my attention. I guess mainly due to the fact that it was modeled by toddler girls 😉
However, I popped into the Gap store yesterday and was sold. I really liked the material used, the careful seams, and the vibrant prints (somehow they seemed more interesting to me in real life).
I guess the big question is – If this range is for babyGap, will it fit adult females?
And the answer is – YES!!!!!
I will caveat that you need to be on the.. well… small-ish side to start with. But don’t forget the range has L/XL/XXL sizes.. for girls up to 16 years old. So go for the large sizes and you’ll be fine 🙂
Width-wise – I am 45KG normally (though am now 49KG since I’m pregnant) and I fit into the XL sizing, pregnant belly and all. The arm holes fit just fine and width is fine too… though I must admit will be better without being pregnant 😉
Length-wise – I am 160cm flat, and length was an issue for me. I’d say that pre-pregnancy, I’d be fine in the L size, but it would be too short. But since I’m pregnant and my belly really expands out the material, I’d say XL/XXL would be better suited.
Anyway, for those of you interested, here’s how the clothes fit etc etc…

The DVF green with white hearts printed tank stole my heart. Actually, I have the EXACT print in the DVF womens fashion line (the wrap top I mentioned at the start of this entry)… but still wanted the tank, I like the print that much 🙂 The material is soft and stretchy – as evidenced by my pregnant belly 😉 I got the size XXL to give my belly room to ‘grow’ into it.

The DVF t-shirt dress was in the same soft material as above, and oh-so-comfy slip over your head. It’s a nice, effortless piece and goes great with a belt across the waist (which sadly I can’t cos of my belly). I’m wearing the XL size, and you can see it’s a bit of a miniskirt for me.

My #1 favourite purchase, the DVF trimmed cardigan. The sizing baffles me, as I’m wearing the size Small, which is marked for “10-12 year old girls”. Last time I checked, I don’t look like that! But, I guess it works as a full-length cardigan for kids, whereas on me it’s a cropped one. I love the look though, and it’s so soft and comfy 🙂

I’m also a fan of the DVF banded print dress, because despite being for kids, it seriously looks like it was made to be a maternity dress! Probably not so flattering if you’re NOT pregnant, because you’re sure as hell gonna look like you are 😉 I’m wearing the size XL there, but even the XXL size was too tight around the boobs for me, so I didn’t buy it. Also, the material is a stiffer cotton (ie. the sort that requires ironing) so I didn’t like that.

And this below is from the regular GAP range, but I liked the Gap Kids shorts (size XXL, to fit my belly and wider pregnant hips) because they were ultra soft, and in a beautiful mint colour. They’re also a nice length for me to wear at home – I normally wear really teeny tiny shorts for home-wear, and I’m feeling a bit weird in them now cos who wants to see a big pregnant woman in hot pants?!?!
I also got the Gap turquoise tee. This one is from the adults range (FINALLY!) and I got it in size M so it’d be oversized for sleeping in. It is ridiculously, utterly soft!!! I love it 🙂

Overall, I’d highly recommend the Gap Kids range. It is a FRACTION of the price of the adult clothing!! And, they do super cute stuff 🙂
Oh, and since I was taking photos, Hunter decided to get in on the action and whined until I turned the camera on him to snap these pics…. What a show pony 😉

And, of course, I can never resist Gap baby clothing for Hunter!! I had a small mountain of clothes that I managed to narrow down to just these, so I was impressed with myself 😉 The stuff’s mainly for our trip to Australia next month.. so I wanted comfy clothing.

Whilst I was taking photos of his baby clothes.. I realised it was all rather quiet on the Hunter front. Looked around for him and discovered he’d walked out of our front door by himself, sat down on the step, pulled one of Chris’ shoes off the rack.. and was quietly and earnestly putting them on his feet 😉

I love how the tops are not low cut. Shame about the banded dress. Its gorgeous!
Yeah, I guess cos they’re for lil girls, heh!
I can’t find the printed dress on but I love it on you! Shucks!
They are suppppper soft! Maybe they’re sold out online 🙁
I love how Hunter is smiling in one of your pics, while you were taking pics of the clothes! So adorable.. 🙂
He was highly amused with me taking off and putting on clothes, LOL!
ooh that green top has my vote 🙂
Becos of my petiteness I too shop for children’s sizes, many fashion brands design (patterns/ prints) the kids range similar to adult’s collection, hence I get away not looking as if I came out from the kiddo store, heh!
Im loving how soft it is! Will look nice with white shorts or skirt I think 🙂
I never knew Gap Kids did sizes that would fit me so I’m happy now.. cos itll save me money heheh
Hehehe I got some DVF Gap Kids girls stuff a few weeks ago too! I got a tank and the printed layer dress (black tank top part with the orange/white/grey pattern below). Haha we could be dvf gap kids twins 😉
ohhhh that’s the dress I wanted too! But it only came in M 🙁 So envious!
The heart shaped tee is so you!
If you like the banded dress, don’t wear it ‘as it is’. You can definitely fit into it post-pregnancy. I wore mine this way
For the hearts/yellow T-shirt dress, maybe this can work for you too – it’s too short for me as a dress on its own and I’m shorter than you. So I wear it as a long top
I don’t think I can fit the band-dress, cos my chest can’t quite fit – and it’s weird cos i’m not even that big! I agree though, it looks HEAPS better with a belt, otherwise will look preggers for sure 😛
I reaaaalllyyy wanted the black sleeveless dress with printed skirt, but only came in M 🙁
Ummm I’d wear the hearts/yellow tee dress as-is without tights. You know me and my short skirts hahahha!!
Hmm maybe because of both pregnancies? So the *ahem is bigger?
Ooh! I think I know which one – that’s really cute
Heheh well you have the legs to carry it off 😛
Awwww I love the last pic – he just wants to be like his Daddy 🙂
On a more related note, I wished we had Gap here! Loving the design of the tank top, cardigan and banded print dress!
Gap is pretty $ here though, which is a bummer! You could get it online and ship, if you can be bothered tho 🙂
i could buy you stuff with my order and post it?
How $$ is gap there? they have huge gap sales here all the time. next 3% off sale should i let you know?
PRetty pricey ugh!!! Heh yes please.. and we can go Gap/OldNavy shopping sprees online together 😉