One of my girl friends hosted a pretty epic
And the awesome thing? 😀 There were lots of adults there and some girl friends without kids, but were fabulous with babies.. so I could dump Hunter with them to eat or do my own stuff – teeheeee!! Hunter, surprisingly, took to them really well and allowed them to hold his hand and play with him. He generally has a 50/50 chance of ‘taking’ to someone.. and when he’s not amused by someone, he just directs a chilly DEATHSTARE at them, which is most embarrassing for me to try and explain. But nope, no DEATHSTARES during the playdate that I noticed. Woohoo! You would think Hunter would be quite the social butterfly, what with the sheer amount of playdates and meetups with girl friends and bubs. But nope. He’s my reserved and quiet little boy.

We had really yummy pizza and chicken wings (the latter were awesome!) for lunch, though I didn’t take photos – cos really, who cares about photos of pizza and chicken wings? I was so envious of the mums of the older kids, cos their kids could just eat that food.
Unlike me, who had to cater and bring baby food for Hunter. I took the risk and brought along bottled baby food, and Hunter of course rejected it angrily. Sigh. So all he had was a banana and his bottle of milk for lunch 🙁 My little food connoisseur now demands home-cooked food by Mum…

such a pity I had to give it a miss, if not I could have brought Abel along and meet up with you girls! 🙂