Christmas, eBay, Parties, Uncategorized Protected: YAHOO! CHRISTMAS PARTY 10 December 2006

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Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

whoaa…I can only stuck to ‘Hi’ and don’t know how to begin the conversation. Now please, teach me what I should say after Hi/Hallo.

Errr I kinda just blab nonsense, to be honest! I don’t think much about it otherwise it just sounds really awkward or weird.

Though I have to say, I always tend to say what’s on my mind first…. which is “Where’s the food?” or “OMG I am so hungry”. Every single time, they laugh and agree, then we go hunt down food together πŸ˜›

whoaa…I can only stuck to ‘Hi’ and don’t know how to begin the conversation. Now please, teach me what I should say after Hi/Hallo.

Errr I kinda just blab nonsense, to be honest! I don’t think much about it otherwise it just sounds really awkward or weird.

Though I have to say, I always tend to say what’s on my mind first…. which is “Where’s the food?” or “OMG I am so hungry”. Every single time, they laugh and agree, then we go hunt down food together πŸ˜›

woooow. all the girls must WANT him. hahah.

ooo I didnt know the pancakes at the rocks were finished with their renovations! yay! I can’t wait to go back.

woooow. all the girls must WANT him. hahah.

ooo I didnt know the pancakes at the rocks were finished with their renovations! yay! I can’t wait to go back.