eBay, Uncategorized, Videos ME ON TODAY TONIGHT 10 December 2006

I made my Today Tonight debut last week, haha. First heard when I got an SMS telling me about it, then when I got back, my concierge called me over and said “Ooooo… I feel silly for saying this now, but I saw you on telly!”. Then over the course of the next day, my neighbours and friends mentioned it too. I never knew that so many Aussies watched Today Tonight πŸ˜‰

It’s a nice/funny eBay piece, starring our PR manager. And I just randomly played the role of sitting at my computer and talking to him. Not very exciting and I didn’t get any notice so had dirty hair and no makeup πŸ™ But at least I appeared only briefly and with no close-ups. Haha!

I’m at the 1:50 min mark

Let’s Chat!

Let's Chat!

I thought that was you!

I thought I was going crazy πŸ˜› But I said to myself ‘gees she’s familiar’.

– Tracey (sh1ft.org)

I thought that was you!

I thought I was going crazy πŸ˜› But I said to myself ‘gees she’s familiar’.

– Tracey (sh1ft.org)