Alannah Hill, FASHION, Uncategorized Protected: ALANNAH HILL ‘I WANT A PONY’ SILK SKIRT 22 June 2006

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I looove AH, I worry that if I move countries I won’t be able to visit the stores anymore, haha. well, try eBay, they’ve got great AH there too!

I looove AH, I worry that if I move countries I won’t be able to visit the stores anymore, haha. well, try eBay, they’ve got great AH there too!

hehe yeah, AH has such cute names. Not sure how that skirt relates to “wanting a pony” or “riding a pony” though?!

hehe yeah, AH has such cute names. Not sure how that skirt relates to “wanting a pony” or “riding a pony” though?!

i’ve gone on a skirt frenzy recently too! realised I don’t have many skirts at all, esp knee-length one that I can wear to work. So the purchases are all justified.. hehe

Gah!! I wanna see the cream one too! Gonna check it out when I’m next at the store..
Oh it’s about $100 now I think, a super bargain for silk 😀

Not unless he shaves/waxes his legs, although swimmers and runners do that… (yes, it makes a difference even for runners!)

i’ve gone on a skirt frenzy recently too! realised I don’t have many skirts at all, esp knee-length one that I can wear to work. So the purchases are all justified.. hehe

Gah!! I wanna see the cream one too! Gonna check it out when I’m next at the store..
Oh it’s about $100 now I think, a super bargain for silk 😀

Not unless he shaves/waxes his legs, although swimmers and runners do that… (yes, it makes a difference even for runners!)