Protected: SHOP SHOP SHOP! 3 July 2008 in Alannah Hill, FASHION, Uncategorized

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Protected: SHOPAHOLIC! 3 October 2007 in Alannah Hill, FASHION, Uncategorized

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PAUL FRANK & ALANNAH HILL 19 July 2007 in Alannah Hill, FASHION, Uncategorized

So for the past 2 weeks or so, we’ve been hit with this weird FREEZING weather. Sydney normally is wonderful – even in winter, it’s still fairly mild and comfortable. But not so recently. It’s been frosty, freezing and all-round awful! Lots of rain,...

ALANNAH HILL, WITCHERY, GOLD RING 14 May 2007 in Alannah Hill, FASHION, Uncategorized

Did some shopping this weekend, hadn’t shopped in a while so I went a leeeetle mad (whoops). 9 down from 9, which I thought was a deal, but now that I think about it, it’s still quite pricey! But it fits soooooo well and...

SHOPPING @ PADDINGTON 16 January 2007 in Alannah Hill, FASHION, Uncategorized

So whilst shopping at Paddington, my aim was to find: 1) a bridesmaids dress for ‘s wedding 2) a dress for the wedding dinner Well, I did buy 2 things, but completely different to what I’d originally set out to buy. *lol*! Ended up...