Protected: EBAY CHRISTMAS AWARDS 2007 7 December 2006 in Christmas, eBay, Uncategorized

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MINO JAPANESE RESTAURANT 6 December 2006 in FOOD, Food reviews, Uncategorized

Mino 521 Military Rd Mosman, NSW 2088 $$$$- I’ve been keen on checking Mino out ever since I started my physiotherapy at Mosman. Finally got a chance to today after Chris picked me up from the physio. The restaurant is understated on the outside,...

Protected: LASIK: PREPARATION 5 December 2006 in Uncategorized

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Very randomly decided to make Maple Syrup Cupcakes.. solely decided upon the fact that I found some spare flour in the pantry and a bottle of maple syrup in the fridge that I wanted to use up 😛 I tried to improvise a recipe...

JUNK FOOD TEES 4 December 2006 in Shopping, Uncategorized

I recently ‘discovered’ Junk Food tees and am now completely obsessed. Went on a crazy rampage on eBay and some online stores snapping all these up. The sayings on the tees are hilarious and some are just so “me” 😛 The Family Guy Stewie/Alien...