SINGAPORE – PATISSERIE GLACE 2 July 2009 in FOOD, Food reviews, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

Patisserie Glace 34 Craig Rd Singapore PRICE: $$ RATING: ***** “There’s this great cake shop opposite us”, a colleague casually mentioned whilst I was in the Singapore office. “REALLY??? WHERE?!??!?!”, I excitedly demanded. I never say no to delish desserts, so a trip there...

Protected: SINGAPORE – MIN JIANG WEDDING DINNER T... 1 July 2009 in FOOD, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized, Wedding

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SINGAPORE – TIFFANY & CO KEY CHARM WITH ENAM... 30 June 2009 in Chris, Living in... Singapore, Tiffany & Co, Uncategorized, Wedding

Went with Chris, Mum and Dad to Tiffany & Co whilst in Singapore (yes, it was a bit of a family affair!), where Chris bought me the Tiffany & Co key charm with enamel heart! He’d actually decided he wanted to buy it for...

SINGAPORE – MISSING THE FUZZIES in Ferrets, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

Our house pet-sitter sent us a whole bunch of cuuute photos of Misty and Star, so we would be less nervous about being apart from them. How sweet! They are great by the way, for under US$9 per day they’ll come round to our...

Protected: SINGAPORE – JING RESTAURANT 28 June 2009 in FOOD, Living in... Singapore, Uncategorized

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