My domestic goddess of a girl friend had a house party at her place last weekend, fitting in around 12 people! I would like to do the same, except our place with explode with that many people in there 😉 Dinner was absolutely fantastic...
I took a tumble today 🙁 It was when we were out shopping after lunch (OK fine, I didn’t look nearly as glamorous as the cartoon above, but oh well!). The Tods boutique in Plaza66 is a bit of a death trap. OK, not...
I saw this article online and loved it. I think every pregnant woman out there should distribute it amongst anyone that talks to her. Some of it doesn’t apply to me or doesn’t bug me, but some of them ring SO true! Best/worst things...
We bid a sad farewell to the lovely Shau-Ru over the weekend. She’s leaving our fair shores for greener pastures… how sad it is when a foodie friend leaves! We celebrated in style at Maya, with a storm of delicious Mexican dishes. The service...
I got home from work and stepped in the front door, and Chris greeted me with a proud grin. The whole place smelled awesome because he was making….. Guinness and Steak Pies for dinner!! Needless to say, I was completely blown away 🙂 He’d...