MY ‘LIL GIRL 7 February 2011 in Ferrets, Uncategorized

The last ever photo of Misty, curled up next to Star. Awwww….

“H” IS FOR…… HUNTER! in FASHION, Hermes, Uncategorized

The day after we came home from the hospital, Chris presented me with an Hermes orange paper bag…. it was my Push present! The jade bangle he bought me a few months ago whilst we were on holiday was originally meant to be my...

GOING HOME & FIRST BATH 5 February 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

After 5 days in the hospital, it was finally time to go home. It was a bit of an epic trip, so thank goodness Mum and Dad were around to run about and help out! Mostly because it was ~cold~ outside, since we’re in...

HUNTER: WEEK 1 MILESTONES & BREASTFEEDING 4 February 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

Week 1 milestones established breastfeeding can lift head upright (though can’t hold it up for long) smiles involuntarily cries liquid tears I’ve listed established breastfeeding as the top one, because it’s the most important one for me. Breastfeeding is, by far, the most challenging...

HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR 3 February 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

Happy Chinese New Year 2011!! Our little hongbao baby Here’s wishing all of you a wonderful Chinese New Year! The fireworks went off last night directly outside our window – egads! Hunter slept soundly through it all.. but can’t say the same for myself...