Protected: MY SICK ‘LIL FERRET 29 April 2009 in Ferrets, Uncategorized

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Protected: SICK STAR in Ferrets, Uncategorized

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CHINESE RESTAURANT ON HUBEI ROAD 27 April 2009 in Food reviews - Shanghai, Uncategorized

My colleagues took me to a very traditional Chinese restaurant, where I tried almost every dish for the first time in my life. Nothing like a food adventure, right? 😛 The restaurant’s got a Chinese name (no English translation), and everyone there speaks nary...

Photo from my BlackBerry in Ferrets, Uncategorized

At the vet getting an xray of Star’s belly cos the poor baby’s sick. She’s mad at me cos she just got a thermometer up her butt! This was her curled up on my lap sleeping last night. So sweet. [EDIT: $500 to treat...

Photo from my BlackBerry in Uncategorized

Umm someone appears to be outside my window. Scared the living daylights outta me!