WHAT DEAD MAN?? 1 September 2016 in Carter, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, School, Things my kids say...

  Carter went on a school excursion last week, so we were talking about it in the car the next day and I was asking him how it went. “I saw a DEAD MAN”, he informed me, seriously. Shocked (and a tad alarmed!), I inquired...

THE FROG MUNCHKIN 27 November 2015 in Carter, Carter's progress, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, School

  Carter’s class killed us all with cuteness when they all came trotting out on stage, dressed as….. cuddly FROGS! All these little three year olds, looking all squishy and fuzzy. Arghh. My heart couldn’t take it. And they sang in Mandarin too! I was...

KIDS AND MUSIC 11 June 2015 in Hunter, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, School

Hunter’s been going to Yamaha music for awhile now, so thought I’d write down my thoughts about it. My kids don’t do any other “enrichment” program, mainly because we feel that it’s, well, not necessary! It’s tough having that stance, when it feels like...


When I was a kid, I lived in Australia and had horse-riding lessons. I loved it! It felt wonderful to sit on a horse and move with it, and even getting all mucky was fun to me. In Singapore, horse-riding options are more limited...

YOU MEAN MANDARIN WORDS HAVE STROKE NAMES? 18 April 2015 in Hunter, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Hunter's progress, School

So kids learn Mandarin differently these days. The strokes within each character all have a name! Kind of like how we spell out each alphabet in a word, but way cooler because instead of words, Chinese writing is kind of pictorial. Here’s what they look...