PLAYING GAMES 5 May 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

I always used to think adults acting like idiots and playing Peekaboo! with babies was so naffy. I mean, aren’t they embarrassed to be behaving like that?! Don’t they realise how silly they sound? Wellllll……. After that, it’s bath time, a quick story and...

WAS THAT ALL JUST A BAD DREAM? 2 May 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

OK nevermind, forget my last entry… Hunter’s suddenly gone back to clocking in his usual 7-8 hour stretches of sleep for the past few nights now, and napping well during the day. It’s like he heard me bitching him out the other day. I...

ZE MONSTER 30 April 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized

I always secretly thought that God knew I had a pretty short fuse when it came to babies crying (couldn’t stand hearing it pre-baby!)… so he was kind and gave me a baby that was very placid and happy, and barely fussed/cried. Starting from...

BABYCEPTION 28 April 2011 in Hunter, Uncategorized


BEING A SAHM 26 April 2011 in eBay, Hunter, Uncategorized

There is another celebration other than Hunter’s 3 month birthday………. I RESIGNED FROM EBAY. I used to look at women in senior positions and/or climbing the career ladder quit their jobs and end up looking messy and running after a toddler and think “What...