CHLOE: 6 MONTHS OLD 2 January 2018 in Chloe, Chloe's progress, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE

And she’s half a year old! She changes and grows each day, and it’s fascinating watching her learn new things. I feel like I’ve known her my whole life, and yet at other times, she feels so brand new to me.   She smiles!...

CHLOE: 5 MONTHS OLD 1 December 2017 in Chloe, Chloe's progress, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE

Our baby girl is FIVE months old!  Oh how time flies. How far away that newborn-ness seems now, and how curiously bittersweet it is to realise that she will never be that small, or weak, or unaware, ever again.   I’m still secretly delighted...

HUNTER’S PRIMARY ONE ORIENTATION 28 November 2017 in Hunter, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Hunter's progress, School

I wouldn’t consider myself a sentimental kind of person. So the thought of Hunter heading off to Primary One next year was something that I found quite exciting, and was looking forward to it. Until…. Orientation Day.   THIS. Seeing him in his new...

THE DAY MY CHILD SAID, “MUMMY, MY LIFE HAS CHANGE... 15 November 2017 in Carter, Family, Hunter, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE, Things my kids say...

What would you do if, one day, your 6 year old sat you down and said – seriously – “Mummy, my life has really changed.” It was after dinner, a few nights ago, when Hunter said he needed to poop. OK. So he went...

CHLOE: 4 MONTHS OLD 30 October 2017 in Chloe, Chloe's progress, HUNTER, CARTER & CHLOE

Our baby girl is FOUR months old!  Now a baby and no longer a newborn, she’s really quite different now. She’s awake and more alert during the day, and behaves like a proper baby and not a sleepy newborn. I actually find tracking her...