Our baby girl is FOUR months old! Now a baby and no longer a newborn, she’s really quite different now. She’s awake and more alert during the day, and behaves like a proper baby and not a sleepy newborn. I actually find tracking her...
At 3 months old, Chloe has two distinct and opposing moods. Like a mini bipolar princess, she’s either unhappy/screaming, or giggling. Way to keep us on our toes, lil one! Her sunny mood – complete with belly giggles – which emerged after a...
Chloe is 3 months old! So technically she’s no longer classified as a newborn, but now as an infant. And I – finally – see the haze starting to lift. The madness and unrequited love that is of a newborn is truly difficult. I’d forgotten how difficult...
Cost of raising one child in Singapore: US0K+++ Our estimated cost to raise three children: US million+++ Candid moments like these: PRICELESS. Both photos taken in the morning, before our frantic school rush. Both were taken when the boys, unprompted, went over to...
Chloe is 2 months old! I’ve always remembered “two months old” to be the time of….. The Awakening. And, not surprisingly, Chloe was the same as the two boys. She woke up! From a sleepy baby that didn’t really look at anything or do anything… to...