The boys kept going on about getting together for a pool

I decided to make a Brie wrapped in puff pastry as an appetizer and severely underestimated the amount. Or, rather, it was probably OK for regular people.. but I had 4 rather greedy people that love cheese, so it was waaaay too little. Frankly, 1 wheel of cheese per person would be more like it. Which meant I’d underestimated the amount by four times!! Ahhh… world’s worst hostess, I am.

We then headed downstairs to the pool, and after a swim, the boys whipped up some food on the BBQ. That’s the fab thing about having a BBQ… the men get to sweat over the fire, whilst we girls get to sit around and chat. That’s my kinda dinner party!

I looooove Ptechnix’s burgers. Dunno how he does it, you’ll have to ask him, but it’s just delish. I remember he said a secret was to put lashings of butter on both the buns, then grill it on the BBQ. Whatever it is.. they are GOOOD.

Silliest idiotic quote of the night, after I announced I wanted 2 burgers: “What if you don’t have room for dessert?” Of course, that came from the guys. Because we girls know that there is NO SUCH THING AS NO ROOM FOR DESSERT, right?!! But speaking of dessert, it was a cheat’s version 😉 We used Betty Crocker’s devils chocolate cake premix, which actually turned out really well. I normally don’t use premix stuff, because I can smell and taste the difference. And often they turn out like a dry-ish sponge cake. But this one actually turned out pretty well, and was lovely with the chocolate icing we spread on it, as well as a scoop of Hagen Daaz vanilla ice cream 🙂

I have to admit… sometimes, it’s nice having a Friday night chilling and all casual-like. It’s good to kick back and relax, and be able to wear crappy home-clothes and not brush my hair, haha!
I want that burger so much. And I need to make that brie again for my dinner.
Mmmm that brie was AWESOME. And, so easy to make, right 🙂
The secret is all in the seasoning… my “special” seasoning. The less you know the better.
I hail from China, you ain’t gonna scare me 😉
Ooo, love how that cake looks! Really – only 5 mins??
Well about 5 mins of preparation cos just throw everything into a bowl and stir 😛
Awesome party and awesome food!
The burgers were damn good.. and the cake too, considering it was instant cake, heheeee
Hi Bev,
How long do u have to bake the brie for?
20mins at 180 celcius 🙂
hunter & becks is super cute! that look on his face is priceless!!!!! he’s going to be such a heartbreaker when he grows up 🙂
His first alcohol-drinking shot…. bwahahaaa
“This is one of my favourite burgers in the world. But I only get it like once every 2 years *sobs*”
Lol! Is that a hint? :p
NOooooooooooooooo! What would make you think that…??
The Brie in pastry looks great! Mind sharing the recipe?
I just bought a block of Brie, then wrapped it up in Puff pastry (with almond slices thrown in), brushed the pastry with a beaten egg, and baked for around 20 mins at 180 celcius 🙂
Hi, your brie with puff pastry looks amazing. I’m gonna give it a try on Fri nite with a nice bottle of vino 🙂
Been a silent reader for sometime now and cant stop gushing at how adorable Hunter is!
Mmm that sounds lovely! Remember to make more of it, not like me 😉