Eurotrip, HOLIDAYS, Switzerland “THE HILLS ARE ALIIIIIIVE” 26 July 2015


“The hills are allliiiiivvvve… with the sound of music….”

Could practically hear that strain of music in my ears as we drove around the Swiss countryside – full of green grass, rolling hills, and grazing cows.



So we went… HIKING!

Well. Let me caveat.

We went hiking… with two little kids. Uphill. So, as you can imagine, we didn’t get very far before the whinging started! But, after a bit of carrying and a bit of dragging, we made it.



At the top of Uetliberg! The view was breathtaking, and the skies so incredibly blue.



Panoramic shot I took with my phone (click to expand).



Crystal clear and icy cold water from the mountain. Yum!



After what seemed like hours, we walked through a tree-lined path and popped out at a Swiss restaurant perched on the side of the mountain.



And our reward was this gorgeous view during our lunch!



Of course, we simply had to have something traditional – so a giant pot of cheese fondue and a staggering amount of bread it was 😉



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