
The kids celebrated Teacher’s Day in school today!

Because I am a bit of a slacker, I didn’t help the kids do their presents early. I did feel a bit hot-around-the-collar when, one by one, my girl friends were announcing either their plans or their completion of their kids’ teachers’ presents. Urrrrkkkkkk!!! All these blimmin’ high achievers everywhere!!!! Nevermind. I promise I will prepare earlier next year.

But since they had to give the presents TODAY, I had to rush like a mad woman to help do the presents last night! But we managed to cough them up!! And it was all easy peasy, thanks to my penchance for the phrase KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid). 

I just rummaged around our supplies and put together these little “present lollipops”. They are simple, but pretty cute.



I got little individually-wrapped mooncakes as the gift. I got them simply because I spotted them and because they were cute, otherwise I was going to wrap little lollies and chocolates in a bag instead.

Then I wrapped it up with plain brown paper.

I wrote the words “Thanks for helping me spread my wings!” on them, since they were butterfly-shaped mooncakes 🙂 At this point, kids can decorate the wrapping paper – like sticking on the heart-shaped stickers, and stamping on their names.

After that, I cut a small hole at the bottom, and kids can insert a pretty paper straw instead before using sticky tape to seal the hole.


It’s not fancy, it’s not expensive. But I thought it makes a nice little token, and the kids were pretty delighted. They especially loved holding onto them and proudly gave them to their teachers, as well as the cleaning lady there (who they love, and vice versa!).

Happy Teacher’s Day if you’re a teacher and reading this. After having kids myself, all I can say is – hats off to you teachers. It’s beyond me why anyone would subject themselves to tons (!) of kids, all contained in a small space, and they’re not even your own kids. It takes a special person with a special heart (and oodles of sanity) to be a teacher. Our children are truly blessed to have wonderful teachers.

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Loveeeeee your idea!!
and love this: KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid) hahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaa