It’s a multi-label jewellery boutique located in Cluny Court, and the lady in charge is very swift with bringing in new goodies. There’s always something new to poke around at every time I go.
The prices are not dirt cheap but they aren’t astronomical either. Most range between $20-100, which I think is pretty reasonable.
The boutique’s strong point is their colourful gems and baubles. Right up my alley!
Whenever I’m there, I can spend agggessss poring over all the pretties and deciding which of the 10 I’ve pulled out to buy. And I’m just praying the whole time that my kid sits still in their stroller and is well behaved! I never ever bring both kids into a jewellery shop with all their stuff RIGHT at kid-grabbing height – that’s just a disaster waiting to happen…
Anyway, this is the stuff I’ve accumulated, over about 6 months (not all bought at once!):

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