My current go-to shoes when I want to traipse around town for the whole day – which means they need to look good, but also be comfy.
These were custom-made by Tui Collection, an expat lady that’s living in Singapore and gets the shoes made in Bali (oooo… exotic!)
The styles are actually pre-done, as in there are a selection that you can choose from. But I selected the colour (gold, because I want it to look dressy, but also be a neutral colour), and got my feet measured so the shoes would fit perfectly. I have really really thin/small feet, so normally ankle-wrap straps never fit me, and neither does the strap by the toes. So it was a delight to have them custom-made so they fit perfectly!
I like the small 3cm wedge because it gives a teeny bit of lift, but nothing dramatic such that I get sore feet. The shoes are SO comfy!! I can wear them all day long. The lambskin is so soft, and they look fabulous with a dress IMHO.

They have this kickass fire engine red pair as well that I’m kinda eyeing…… As well as super sweet pastel-coloured ballet flats!!
Ooh what bag is that hanging off your pram? 🙂
A tokidoki/jujube diaper bag! It’s the hobo style 🙂