Yeah, you didn’t read the title wrongly. Broccoli
Before your toes curl and you screw up your face in disgust, keep an open mind. This dish is super duper easy to cook, keeps well, and my kids ADORE it. Of course, they are my sample size of two (and both of them has bizzarely super-healthy palates).. which isn’t exactly big.. but I think this would be very palatable for younger kids as well as older ones that like creamy/pudding textures.

So what you do is chop and steam a handful of broccoli and carrot, then blend into a puree (like you’re making regular baby puree food). Psssssst: I also can use my frozen cubes of random-veg puree for this dish – just defrost a bunch of them and you’re good to go.
After that, whisk in 2 eggs, 1 egg yolks, 200ml heavy cream, 1/2 tsp light soy sauce.
Pour the mixture into a couple of cup moulds. (Mine fills up about 4 cups)
Cover them with foil and place in a water bath (ie. put cups into a tray filled with some water). Bake at 250 celcius for 20-25 mins.
If you’re the sort that has lots of veg puree frozen in your freezer, this will be even easier to make. Or, if you’re already making some puree for your baby, simply set some aside to make this later. Super easy.
Both my kids really love the stuff. It’s creamy and tasty, and easy to swallow. It’s almost like panacotta, but a savory version.
Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it 😉

Wow… I would love to try this, esp when Liv can start to eat solids! Should be interesting to see how Enoch takes to the texture 😛
Haha I wonder if he’ll like it?? I guess if he likes pudding/custard stuff he will?
E hasn’t really eaten pudding or custard yet… He likes ice cream though, but I guess that isn’t the same thing haha 🙂 guess we’ll see!
Ooh yum! I will sub the carrot as Seb has allergies but will definitely try it out when he’s had eggs 🙂 hope mr picky eater will like it!
Ahh.. you can just omit it altogether, or substitute with pumpkin instead?
Will Definitely try this out some time soon!
I think he’ll like it.. Carter is a big fan!