I was super excited to take the kids to Copenhagen

We couldn’t resist getting a wagon for the kids. Best move ever, because they adored it! It was surprisingly easy to drag along and maneuver, and was fab for dumping all our bags into as well.

I thought the little ‘show and tell’ session that they had with rabbits, guinea pigs and mice was one of the most interesting parts of the zoo. It was really hands-on, and the kids even got to clean out the mouse cage and hold the little cuties!

I held the adorable little grey mouse whilst Hunter patted him carefully with one finger. It made my heart go all funny, holding that mouse, especially watching Hunter so happy with it. It reminded me of when I was younger and had pet mice. They were my favourite pet of choice and I had many, many mice over the years.. all the way into college when I still kept them as pets, probably horrifying all my dorm mates!

And obviously we saw all the standard stuff that all zoos have – elephants, giraffes, etc etc. But they were all in enclosures so I’m not posting any photos since that’s kinda boring and I’m sure you already know what those animals look like 😉
We had a lovely day though, and the kids sure did! It’s a shame Singapore’s weather isn’t about 5-10 celcius cooler.. it would make a trip to Singapore Zoo here (which is awesome) much more pleasant :X

I agree about the Carter comment. I thought you did not want Carter to touch the mouse because of hygiene and not because you were afraid Carter would gobble up the mouse.
Also, yah, the Singapore Zoo is lovely but walking in the zoo in the sunny weather spoils all the fun!
Well, I guess that too! 😉
I think I prefer SG aquarium instead.. a lot cooler, literally.
haha your comment about how you REALLY were worried about Carter eating the mouse really made me laugh out loud!
Well.. he does tend to stuff anything into his mouth 😉
The wagon looks so fun! Makes you wish you could bring one home and use it everyday 😉
Enoch would love it 😉 Actually, so silly, you guys should’ve come over to CPH when we went to the zoo!!