I got a pretty little pillowcase
I admit, it’s sorta kindaaaaa a wee bit girlish for a boy, but hey, it’s turquoise chevron on the back, and that’s kind of a boyish colour. RIGHT??
Unfortunately, the silly boy is having none of it and has rejected my pillow gift 🙁 I thought his whole face would LIGHT UP when I presented it to him. What’s not to like about the adorable print, the cheery balloons, and the utter prettiness of it all?
Guess he can’t appreciate the nice things in life. Tsk.
He’s hooked on his Steiff pillow that I bought him in NYC. It’s ultra soft but the problem is, it’s also ultra tiny. But, somehow, he manages to keep himself on that teeny pillow the whole night through…

This video of Hunter dancing away makes me LOL 😉

This picture below amuses me because:
- Hunter is glued on to his favourite teacher, who has since left 🙁
- See those twin boys? Hunter finds it hilarious that they look the same. Without fail, he’ll always go “Who’s Jaden? Who’s Jathan? Look the same. HAHA!!!!!! Why, mama? Why the same?”
- I am looking so utterly random, sitting there by myself .. looking like I have no kid 😉

Hunter is a typical boy and doesn’t always readily dish out hugs. So I was particularly delighted when he barnacled himself on me, gave me a big squeeze, and blurted “I LOVE YOU MAMA!!!” here. And he even allowed me to remember the moment by patiently waiting whilst I dug out my phone to take this pic!

So sad that LiNa laoshi left. Oh, I just spotted my friend and her daugher in your pic!
Haha what a small world!!