Hunter was all in a happy tizzy this morning… because we’d told him that he was going on a special big boy movie date! We’d bought tickets to Thomas, and it was his first time going to the cinema with us.

We went for the morning movie session (whilst Dad patiently babysat Carter outside) and Hunter was absolutely fascinated with the cinema. It was a bit daunting for him – seeing all those chairs and the large, dark theatre.
I thought he’d be really scared of the big screen and loud noise, but he was actually quite OK. He spent the whole time cuddled up on Chris’ lap, and watched the whole movie intently (I’m not even sure if he blinked, LOL).
I guess he understood at least some of what was going on, because he could name the characters, and joined in “looking” for the yellow engine, etc.
It was really nice having special time with just Hunter. I think he enjoyed it too 🙂 Plus, he got to have 100% Daddy time afterwards when Chris took him home on the bus, as a little treat.
I’m hoping that cinemas do more of these kiddy movies so we can take Hunter! At least we know he has the stamina to sit still for 1 hour with zero fuss, so I have the courage to try it out again 😉

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