Hunter’s instant reaction when he saw the above?
“Oooooooooooo. TOYS!” (complete with gaspy excited voice)
He wasn’t very impressed when he realised the BA bottle holder was actually a gift for Carter, and not him 😉

Hailing from Portland, USA, these BA bottle holders are designed to help babies as young as 3-months to be able to hold their own bottle. You can buy them at a special discount of SG$14.90 (usual $27.90) at flash sale site MommyGrabs.com right now (very very limited stocks left).
It’s a pretty clever idea and concept. I actually see a LOT of babies with bottles propped up with pillows etc, because they’re too young to grasp the bottle properly, and the parents don’t want to sit there holding the bottle for ages whilst they drink (especially since some babies take yonks to finish their milk!)
This BA bottle holder allows babies to participate in their own feeding, because they are specifically designed to fit a baby’s grip.Â

So because Carter is directly breastfed, he has never used a bottle in his life. And so this sat around for a few months gathering dust.
Then, I read somewhere that the BA bottle holder can be used as a baby toy, rattle and teether.
Arrrrghhhhhhhhh NOW WHY DIDN’T I THINK OF THAT??!?!
I quickly dug Carter’s out and gave it to him. The whole thing is made of a soft, flexible silicone, so it makes an extremely safe toy. He can bash it against his head and it’s no worries. He can chew on it with no worries (it’s made with FDA approved silicone, and is BPA free). And he can throw it with no worries that he’ll break something.
He loves grabbing at it and smooshing it between his hands, because it’s soft. And, if you stick in a rattle-y toy or a crinkle toy, it becomes DOUBLE THE FUN! It’s like a whole new toy… because now it makes a sound too, and the toy inside bounces around.
To be honest, Hunter loves this bit and likes stuffing all sorts of things in.

The BA bottle holder is meant to encourage hand-eye coordination, and I can see first-hand how a very young baby can grip it easily to hold their milk bottle. SO much easier than their little hands and fingers trying to grasp the bottle itself!
And… well…. it can be used ALLLLL the way up to toddler years.

I stick Hunter’s water bottle in it and he drinks with great gusto (what is it with kids refusing to eat/drink until it’s presented in a novel manner to them??)
But you can see in the above photo how pretty much any standard milk or water bottle will fit in there, since it’s stretchable silicone.
I’m really pleased with it because it functions so well as a toy, rattle, teether AND bottle holder. Right now, Carter doesn’t use it as a bottle holder, but eventually I will put him on formula (once I wean him at 1 yr old) and this is when I’ll pop his bottle in his BA bottle holder for him to be a big boy and hold it himself.
Until then…. he’s very happy shaking it with gusto and chucking it around with Hunter 😉

Get your BA Bottle Holder at a special discount of SG$14.90 (usual $27.90) at flash sale site MommyGrabs.com right now (very very limited stocks left)!
And ppppssssttttt have you got your free $10 credit on Mommygrabs yet? It’s still valid!
So that’s what it is! I thought it was just a cool ball toy… thing.
Really really lovely seeing you guys! xxxx
Haha yeah, he loves toys stuffed into that ball and whacking it all around!
Was fun seeing you, next time stay for longer!!
omigoodness, carter is soooooooo adorable!!!
Awww thank you Jennie!!
are yin in singapor now?
I’m not sure what you meant to write, but if you’re asking if this is available in Singapore then YES, MommyGrabs.com will ship within Singapore or internationally
I don’t mind having another baby if I can guarantee that it’s going to be a cutie pie like Carter!!! ;P
this looks SO awesome that I almost wish I’ve a baby of my own now. HAHA I can’t believe I’ve just gone ahead to buy not one but TWO of these. gonna gift them to my mummy friends! used the $10 discount code at the checkout!
Oh when you SMS’d me saying you bought two I was like “for who????” haha. Yeah they do make fab gifts and even better to ship international as gifts cos they’re so light 😉
Carter is sooooooooooooooooo cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!!!
Haha thanks Penny, your girls are pretty adorable too!