It started 2 nights ago, when we suddenly heard him cry out “Mama… Daddy… pat pat…” at 3AM (!!!) in the morning. Hunter simply doesn’t randomly wake up in the middle of the night, and has not done so for maybe 1.5+ years? So we were really confused in our dazed sleepy state, and lay there wondering what to do.
5 minutes later, he stopped crying out for us, and I thought “Yay! Just a nightmare” and rolled over and fell asleep.
Chris, thank God, decided to get up and check on him.
Hunter was boiling hot when Chris touched him, and he also realised Hunter had puked all over the bed. Hunter has NEVER vomited in his life, ever. So this was a very epic and panicky moment for us!
I had to pull off all the sheets and do a load of laundry right there and then (zzzzz..) whilst Chris cleaned Hunter up.
Once he was all cleaned up, Hunter puked AGAIN!!!!
More laundry. More cleaning Hunter up.
By this point, he obviously couldn’t sleep in a pukey mattress, so we had to bring him into bed with us.
Problem? Hunter has not slept in our bed…. EVER.
This made him unable to fall asleep, for 1.5 hours!!! Agony. His sleep was really disrupted since Carter is in a cot at the foot of our bed, and one of them would wake the other up, etc etc.
At 6:30AM, I was woken up by Hunter tugging at my arm, going “Mama, poo in potty!!!” repeatedly. Chris and I were sooo sleepy we hoped he’d just go poo in his diaper, but he refused to. So I got up and he had diarrhea 🙁 Gave him a bath and cleaned it all up.. and by that time, Chris and Carter were also up due to all the commotion.
He seemed on the mend yesterday though – very lethargic, but didn’t puke anymore. Slightly warm and some diarrhea but we felt he was getting better.
Then at lunch time, he projectile vomited… THREE TIMES IN A ROW!!! Once was straight inside my top… ewwwww. He also had several bouts of diarrhea. He was miserable. Hunter poos in his potty by himself every night, so crapping his pants does NOT make him a happy chappy. It was awful.
By this time, he was so lethargic and dazed (he hadn’t eaten and everything he drank was vomited/diarrhea’d out) he couldn’t even stand up or walk. He just sat or lay down, with glazed eyes and listless.. drifting in and out of sleep.
So off to the doctors it was.
Turns out he has Gastroenteritis.
He was prescribed some suppositories (to stop the vomiting) and medicine (to stop stomach spasms), as well as an electrolyte drink.
Pretty amazingly, the medicines worked in suppressing his vomiting/diarrhea and because of that… my really really whiny and clingy sick baby was restored to his normal cheery self, almost like magic. He woke up after his nap and drank a lot (keeping it all down), and even managed to stomach half a banana and a rice cracker before bedtime. I’ve NEVER been so happy to see him eat before!
I’m so relieved. Praise God for a fast recovery, at least so far.
Now praying that he will wake up feeling much better tomorrow..

And just totally random photos, taken over the past few weeks, to add a bit of cheer to this otherwise depressing blog post!

Ry got it bad twice! Once when she was 3 months! WORSE 3 days ever, all we did was stay home and breastfeed her a lot. The second time was when I heading home with #2. Everyone cept the baby got gastric flu after that… maid, grandma (nearly passed out in the loo), hubs, me. It was HORRIBLE.
Now the kids take probiotics daily, seems to help.
That’s awful, and even more so when a baby is only 3 months, eeeek!!
Good idea about probiotics.. I might ask the doc next time I’m there
Yikes! Hope he feels better soon
Thanks sherri. Praying Christian won’t ever get it.. it’s awful on a kid!
Have a speedy swift recovery Hunter. Poor Hunter 🙁 It’s a pain to witness your child taken ill. Take care Beverly
Have a speedy swift rec
Thanks 🙂
Poor lil Hunter – hope he’s feeling a lot better now. I hated having to use suppositories when Bubs had a high fever and Panadol didn’t work 🙁
The doc did his suppository thankfully.. and he stopped vomiting after that so I didn’t have to do it myself. Whew!
Get well soon Hunter x
Thanks sweetie.. we are slowly getting there!
Oh man! That sounds terrible! Poor Hunter and poor you too!!! This gastro thing sounds EXACTLY like what Sammy had a few weeks ago, with the only difference that in Germany, his PD didn’t prescribe him ANY medicine, saying that its a virus and the body has to fight the virus itself!
Yup! That meant massive diarrhoea / a bit of puking for TWO FREAKING WEEKS! I’m seriously thinking that next time if it happens, I might ask my friend(s) in Singapore to DHL some medicine over to Germany. :S
It’s weird that they don’t give anti vomit/diarrhea meds! That made a huge diff with Hunter, cos he immediately could stomach stuff afterwards..
feel better everyone!
Thanks Auntie Anna. He seems ok now but now it’s me that’s got the Gastro.. sigh!
Get well soonest, cutie!
Thanks Iris!
Poor Hunter!! get well soon little one!!
I hope Isy doesn’t have the same thing! So not fun:(
Poor little guy. Hope he’s on the mend.
Thanks hon, he’s all cheery today, yay!
poor Hunter! will continue praying for him. Glad the meds are working and sleep would do good for him too.
Thanks Ruth, he’s actually heaps better now. Can’t say the same for myself though 🙁