Yeah… so….. I said I was going to do a whole plethora of fashion
So I’d heard that Cat was showing at Forum The Shopping Mall – a little play targeted at “1 to 4 year olds”, and was eager to take Hunter there to check it out. He’s normally easily overwhelmed and scared of shows (dislikes the loud noises and in-your-face-ness), so I liked the fact that it was only about 30 mins and that it was free, thanks to Julia Gabriel centre!
What can I say? IT WAS AWESOME.
So good that I’ve since taken Hunter back to see it again, with my cousin and her son. Aaaannnnd… we’ll be there again on Friday. The actors actually recognised Hunter and I when we went a 2nd time. So I’m feeling a little *ahem* embarrassed at showing my face a THIRD time. But… it’s just so good! And Hunter really liked it! And I was LOL-ing around cos I just find them sooooooo funny!
Chris is calling me a groupie.
But, I love how it is straight forward and simple, with captivating actors, and wonderful simple and catchy songs for kids. And, it’s hilarious!!!! OK, you can take that with a grain of salt because I appeared to be the only adult there chortling away, so either the other mums there are boring ‘ol biddies, or I have the mental aptitude of a little kid.
Funny moment – 4 year old Elliot who asked “So, when are the REAL cats coming out?” Guess he wasn’t as impressed with the cat actor 😉
Anyhoodle, pictures! Fully recommend you bring your kids if you’re in Singapore.. it’s an awesome little production. Here’s the full details.

Quick video before they told me to stop videoing 🙁

And also at the Forum mall is the new store nottoobig on level 2, that is freakin’ PARADISE if you have a kid! They stock a plethora of super-cool niche (mostly European) brands. It’s the kind of store where the cool kids get their clothes from, with loads of unique finds.

YOUR HEAD WILL EXPLODE if you have a girl, by the way. Some of the brands they carry have the prettiest and most unique dresses I have ever seen in my life. First time ever I have actually yearned for a girl, simply to dress her up in them 😉

And for the cool street kids, you have milk on the rocks clothing from NYC. Remember the photoshoot Hunter did? There’s the entire range here with cute prints to boot. I really like their skinny look. They also have this incredible navy pea coat that I was lusting over for Hunter, but we are not going anyway cold in the near future 🙁

Here’s Carter decked out in Joules clothing, that I got from the nottoobig store. I love the fabric the brand uses!! Ultra soft on baby skin, and thin enough for Singapore’s weather.
Plus, hellllllllo, they actually do a rainbow that’s masculine enough for boys. Don’t even get me started on how cute the girls’ prints are.

There’s also Canadian brand Sons + Daughters that have a range of sunglasses in the shop. I’m rather annoyed with them actually, because they’re all kiddie sized and NONE that I could wear!! Terribly unfair, don’t you think?
Hunter actually loves wearing sunglasses (“too bright”, he will complain, if he doesn’t have them on). Here he is trying on his namesake, “The Hunter” sunglasses.

Oh, there’s also a discount area (always my favourite section, haha) in the store.. I think stuff is 30-50% off, from memory. Not much there so hurry and get in there! And there’s up to 20% off on selected brands.
Come to think of it, it’s a dangerous store (for your bank account) to step into 😉
the thing i hate about being a FTWM is missing out on these interesting events i would LOVE to bring thad+tea to!
Well… Cat is on this weekend too!! I think Thaddeus would enjoy it 🙂
Bev, those dresses that you posted up are from UK. They do adult sizes too. I just can’t remember the brand now but I do remember checking it out online just a month ago!
I saw em! But the store here doesn’t have them for me to try on and buy 🙁
So many cute pictures! SO MUCH CUTENESS!!!
Haha! I’m gonna enjoy the nice baby-ness whilst it lasts…. probably won’t be as cute once their teenagers 😉
Did Hunter mistaken the actor as his dad? That was so funny! ;P And Carter looks soooooo adorable in the rainbow outfit!
Well we kinda started it cos first he really liked the guy, then we said “is it cos he’s like Daddy?” (ie. makes him laugh), and after that he declared the guy as ‘Daddy’ 😉
Ooh! I must bring the kids for Cat! I’ve been wanting to check out the nottoobig sale as well.
Come on Fri arvo! I reckon both of them would love Cat
Can’t make it then. But we went earlier this evening. Loved it!