I guess these 2 ‘recipes’ below count as adult
First up is Nutella cookies… which is so easy you’ll laugh. You need 1 cup (aka 1 small tub) of Nutella, 1 cup plain flour, 1 egg. Stir the ingredients together in a bowl and they will form a nice dough. Simply roll small balls out of the dough and press flat-ish on a baking sheet, and bake for about 15 mins at 180 celcius.
That’s all!
The cookies are lovely out of the oven and eaten fresh. They are gooey, chewy and warm. Be warned though, they’re actually not very sweet. I’m happy with that because I don’t like adding sugar into any of Hunter’s food, and frankly, I feel Nutella already has enough sugar in it as it is. So, if you prefer your cookies with ‘normal’ sweetness, I’d recommend adding in 1/4 cup sugar into the mix as well.
Hunter LOVED these Nutella cookies. So much so that it sort of scared me a bit, so all he got was 1 cookie and I daren’t give him any more – lest he develop an interest or taste in chocolate or naughty snacks 😛 But, I think they’re fab for older children or if you don’t mind your kids eating cookies. They are way healthier than outside store-bought cookies, anyhow!

The other ‘recipe’ is Baked sweet potato chips. It’s not even a recipe. Simply slice sweet potato super thinly, toss in some olive oil, salt, pepper and paprika… and bake at 200 Celsius until browned and crispy (about 15mins).
I must note, I sliced mine WAY too thickly. This is no good, as they become a bit chewy and tough. You MUST slice as thinly as possible, because then they curl a little and become like crisps.
But, when done properly, they make a fab snack – ever so healthy and very tasty because of the sweet potato. Gonna make this again because I don’t let Hunter eat any form of fries/chips (no nutrition, everything bad).. and this is a great alternative. Not to mention it’s homemade, so I know exactly what goes into it 🙂

You could give Hunter half or a quarter of a cookie if he eats all his dinner! Love the photo of his stuffed cheeks!! Very kissable.
Hi, I would like to know how much plain flour does it need? You mentioned 1 cup…Thanks.
Do you have those baking measuring cups? It’s the 1 cup measurement of those!
Wow! I am SO stealing your recipes. Ive never baked before so the Nutella cookies should be easy enough for me. :p
Yes it’s def v easy, promise!! remember to add some sugar though if it’s for you and not for kids 😛
I just baked Nutella cookies just now!! I didnt add any additional sugar, but I did add a small cube of butter. 😛
My oven has finally lost its virginity. Yay! Haha.
That picture of him eating the cookie is absolutely adorable!
It’s probably not the most attractive photo.. but funny nonetheless 😛
Hey Beverly, to slice the sweet potato the thinnest possible, you can try it with a peeler instead. It works great for this too.
does it make them TOO thin though? I wish I had a peeler where I could set the thickness!
just standard thickness you get as from a bag of chips. is that too thin? haha good idea @ self set thickness. If you find one do share!
You post the most yummiest yet easy recipes, thanks Bev!
Aww you’re welcome Amy, hope they work out for ya!
Love the nutella cookie recipe!! Just to check how many cookies did this yield?
Roughly 12 regular sized cookies!
I wonder, since we can roll and flatten them, we can probably make cute shapes with a cookie cutter too right? I just bought a small tub of Nutella (smallest tub?) to try this out! Yay for your simple recipes Bev!
YES you can cos the dough is dense enough to do that – that’s a fab idea!
nom nom goodness! Lol @ can’t talk faces 🙂
The kids loved the cookies.. I’m just glad we didn’t add extra sugar!
The nutella cookies seem easy enough and fun for my 3 year old to make it with me! thanks!
I was also thinking that it’d be fab to make with kids! I think I’ll do that when Hunter is older 🙂
I always, always love your easy recipes! :)))
Heh these ones are super easy! I guess I have to cos I have a kid 😛